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Recent Activities


SMD Training Program Completed
for CHW & MS (Batch 3)

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SMD Training Program Completed
for TFH (Batch 3)

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SMD Training Program Completed
for CHW & MS (Batch 2)

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SMD Training Program Completed
for TFH (Batch 2)

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SMD Training Program Completed
for CHW & MS (Batch 1)

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SMD Training Program Completed
for TFH (Batch 1)

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Community Validation Meeting-image

Community Validation Meeting

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Pilot training Conducted

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Co-Design Workshop
For Intervention Development

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Glimpse of The Project

What is included in our research?

The activities that make up the research programme have been organised into five separate but inter-related work packages, Work Package 1, Work Package 2, Work Package 3, Work Package 4, Work Package 5.

In WP1 we will complete papid community-based ethnogrpahic assessments in study sites in Bangladesh and Nigeria.
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From the learning of our WP1 and our top down and bottom up approaches of the co design workshops we have developed a culturally acceptable manual for TFH, CHWs and Medicine sellers of the korail slum.
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Two pilot trainings were conducted to test the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention. We conducted 3 days long (20 hours) training program for the TFH & CHWs once a week for three consecutive days.

Acknowledgement & Disclaimer

"This research was funded by the NIHR (NIHR200846) Transforming Access to Care for Serious Mental Disorders in Slums - the TRANSFORM Project using UK international development funding from the UK Government to support global health research. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the UK government."

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